Saturday, September 22, 2012

Six Flags.

Jenna and Jon were trying to plan a trip to an amusement park all summer long.  We finally made it happen is late August.  At first they were going to go to Canobie Lake then they changed it to Six Flags.  They wanted it to be a group of 4 so there would be a riding buddy for each of them.  Only Amy was able to go but they made it work.
on the trolley on our way

 Lina had to work soI took Alyssa and Maggie with us.

 Once we were in, I never saw Jenna again.  They promised to stay together and keep in touch via cell phone.  She did very good, texted me throughout the day.  I thought we'd end up meeting up to eat lunch but the timing just wasn't right.
The first thing I did was take the kids to the water park since it was so beautiful out.

 This huge bucket fills with water then dumps out.  The girls were just waiting for it...

 It is so much water that you can't even see the girls under it.

 Waiting again...

 One of my favorite rides (but waaaay too short), Free Fall.

 On their way up!

and the end of a long day...

Amy had to leave a little early because she had an exam the next day.
So we're on our way out when I happen to ask if they (Jenna and Jon) had eaten dinner because the girls and I hadn't between the snacks and not wanting to stop to eat...Jenna and Jon laughed because they hadn't either for the same reason and were starving but they thought I was going to be mad and were trying to think of a way to bring it up.  Silly kids!  We ended up stopping at Burger King after trying to find a decent place to eat.  Since it was so late, there wasn't much left open.  What a great day!!!!

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