Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Earlier this year, Lina's best friend turned 15 and her parents had a Quinceanera for her. Lina was part of the court and was also asked by Alex's parents to give a speech.

The Mexican quinceanera celebration is traditionally one of the most sacred and sentimental times in a young girl's life. It is the public welcoming party of the girl into adulthood as she celebrates her 15th birthday. Quinceanera comes from the Spanish words quince (15) and anos (years). Having reached physical capacity to reproduce, she is now treated as a young lady moving toward the socially expected goals of becoming a wife and a mother.

She looked beautiful as usual!  My little girls aren't so little anymore.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Six Flags.

Jenna and Jon were trying to plan a trip to an amusement park all summer long.  We finally made it happen is late August.  At first they were going to go to Canobie Lake then they changed it to Six Flags.  They wanted it to be a group of 4 so there would be a riding buddy for each of them.  Only Amy was able to go but they made it work.
on the trolley on our way

 Lina had to work soI took Alyssa and Maggie with us.

 Once we were in, I never saw Jenna again.  They promised to stay together and keep in touch via cell phone.  She did very good, texted me throughout the day.  I thought we'd end up meeting up to eat lunch but the timing just wasn't right.
The first thing I did was take the kids to the water park since it was so beautiful out.

 This huge bucket fills with water then dumps out.  The girls were just waiting for it...

 It is so much water that you can't even see the girls under it.

 Waiting again...

 One of my favorite rides (but waaaay too short), Free Fall.

 On their way up!

and the end of a long day...

Amy had to leave a little early because she had an exam the next day.
So we're on our way out when I happen to ask if they (Jenna and Jon) had eaten dinner because the girls and I hadn't between the snacks and not wanting to stop to eat...Jenna and Jon laughed because they hadn't either for the same reason and were starving but they thought I was going to be mad and were trying to think of a way to bring it up.  Silly kids!  We ended up stopping at Burger King after trying to find a decent place to eat.  Since it was so late, there wasn't much left open.  What a great day!!!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Dana Hall.

We had to bring Lina up a few days earlier than Jenna because she is a proctor this year!  It's something she had to apply for and got picked to do in her old dorm, Johnston D.  Proctors are students who provide leadership in the dorms.  Each dorm has at least one student proctor who acts as a liaison between the House Director, House Assistant, and the students.  Proctors work together as a group, meeting weekly
throughout the year to plan activities and discuss boarding life issues.

Rob had taken the day off to go to Connecticut with Alyssa so we drove to Dana separately.  We thought we would drop Jenna off and head on our way but I ended up taking the day off as well and stayed for the parent informational events.  We must have not have realized all the stuff for parents when we dropped Lina off and Rob probably had to get to work (the end of August is not a good time for him to take off).  Besides that, I asked Jenna if she wanted me to stay around with her while she unpacked and she did...I feel awful that we didn't do it with Lina.  :(

Jenna actually wanted my help so we put her sheets on the bed and then she put her clothes away, while I put stuff on her desk and took out some of her quotes to decorate her room, etc.  It feels as if they are headed off to college, I tell ya.

There are two beds in the rooms.  Jenna's roommate's is in the right.  She is from South Korea, JinJae.  Such a sweet girl and Jenna just loves her.

The closet is to the left as you walk in and inside the closet there are two dressers and on each side of the closet are to poles for them to hang their clothes and a shelf above it to store items.

And to the right as you walk in are both desks with a cork board above them.  Jenna brought a bunch of pictures to decorate it with.

It is exciting and she was really into it.  My girls are growing up.  They were not allowed to come home for about 3 weeks...the longest stretch, but it's so all the girls can bond and get to know one another.  It was the longest 3 weeks of my life!

365 - 9/17 Play.

Alyssa above #36 - in her face!

Jenna and Alyssa.  These girls both love field hockey.  Jenna is now playing for Dana Hall and Alyssa is playing on the A Team.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


One day my small digital camera decided not to open it's lens this is what we get...

great pictures, eh?  I kept them b/c they were pretty interesting looking and that's about all, not good light, not good focus, not good anything!

The same day, we went to one of our favorite ice cream stops...

  • my favorite b/c it's right on the bike path
  • Rob's favorite b/c it's close to home
  • Jenna's favorite b/c they have play-doh ice heard me right...but it doesn't taste like play-doh thank goodness b/c play-doh taste yucky...yes, you heard me right again...I've tasted play-doh before, hasn't everyone???

 her famous face...not too flattering...

 Brain Freeze...

 Miss "I like to sit on cars"

I don't remember what that pout was about.

All Gone!  Yummy!