Friday, July 13, 2012

Warm Day in March.

We had an exceptionally warm day in March while the kids were on break so Rob and I took a day off and decided to go to the beach.  It so happens that our friend Bob was there with his girls, Chaylee and Evelyn, so we met them down there but he said he wasn't as warm down at the beach. It was a bit windy and cloudy but we made the best of it.  Bob and his girls had kites so we flew kites...

Look at the concentration.

Then the kids searched for crabs...

Then the football began...

Our football girl...

minus the wet sand...look at that face...

 then we took a walk...

this is what we walked was interesting trying to see and to try and figure out what this use to be...I love to see old pictures, building, etc. and try to imagine what they use to be...

To the right of this partial building was a bunch of rocks and Rob and the girls went digging for more crabs.  What a day.

This took forever to post because there are pictures on my camera that I wanted to add but didn't so I thought I'd better just post this.  They'll have to go in my scrapbook.

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