Sunday, July 1, 2012

New Blog Site.

Thanks for meeting me over here at my new blog. I am quite a bit behind and will be catching up.  

One of the things I'll also be posting are pictures I've taken to help capture every day life.  I got this idea from a blog that I follow called, Capture Your 365, which "encourages one to capture the everyday moments of our lives. Intentionally preserving the details that combine to create life." Katrina provides monthly prompts to help with this project.  While I don't plan on capturing a picture EVERY day (hopefully someday I'll be able to get that far) I'm hoping to capture 1-3 pictures a week with the help of her prompts. On top of that she also gives tips on photography which I love since I'm always trying to improve my photography.  :)  This is what the prompts look like:

If you want to see more of it, you can check out

I'm hoping to add more to this blog.  Thanks again for stopping by.

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