Thursday, March 6, 2014

Behind I am! Celebrating Rob's Birthday!

Being an avid scrapbooker, I'm told you should always work in the present and go back...that is what I have decided to do.  It is now March 2014 and I stopped blogging about a year ago...looks like right after Lina's birthday which is also in March.  Then I also found that I never posted 2012's vacation pictures.  So those are to come but for the present...

We celebrated Rob's birthday this past weekend with Evelyn and Gordon.  We all went to the UConn Women's Senior Night Basketball Game.  They have been going to this game every year for a few years now.  I've never gone because I thought it was something Rob could do with the girls alone.  This year Jenna was not able to go because she had a Community Weekend so I took her ticket.  Before the game, while Rob was working volleyball at the school, Lina, Alyssa, Maggie and I brought Rob brownies and his birthday gifts along with balloons to celebrate.

Rob had no idea I got him headphones.  He was very surprised and excited.  They are the Beats by Dr. Dre. Jenna got the same kind for Christmas and he loved them!  Alyssa got Rob a pair of pajama pants like the ones she's wearing below.  They have the Patriot's logo on them.  He loved (and needed) them too!

Maggie's parents had come by to pick up Maggie so they were there for the celebration.  Of course they picked up an iced coffee for Rob's birthday!  

Then it was off to the UConn game.  We picked up Aunt Evelyn on the way and met Rob's dad at a parking lot so as to avoid having to park 2 vehicles.

Alyssa forever hiding from me these days.  Bad girl!

Then we went out for Rob's birthday dinner.  He picked a place, Yukon Jack's in Storrs.  

Then Alyssa got took the camera and got creative.

Love this artsy!!!  Great job, Alyssa!

Can you believe this place did not have any chocolate for dessert.  So we busted out of there with the thought of maybe stopping somewhere (maybe ice cream) on the way home...but then forgot!

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